Parisa Skin & Laser Clinics

Bone Vessel Laser

Superficial leg vessels, or besenreiser, are dilated blood vessels on the legs. They are red, purple or blue in color and may accumulate into a cluster. Leg vessels are not varicose veins, but are superficial and occur on the thighs, lower legs, hollows of the knees and inside of the ankles. Risk factors for developing leg veins include hormone fluctuations during pregnancy, a hereditary predisposition or a standing job that puts a lot of pressure on the blood vessels. Despite the fact that leg vessels do not cause medical complaints, they can be cosmetically distracting. Burst leg vessels do not go away on their own and often get worse over the years. Sometimes they can cause an itching or stinging sensation and are often considered cosmetically disturbing. Especially during the summer when we show off our bare legs again.

Using the powerful medical laser Duetto MT EVO, leg veins (also called branch veins or penile varices) can be permanently removed. The laser looks for the hemoglobin (which gives a red color) in the blood. This creates heat and causes the proteins in the blood to clump, closing the vessel. The treated leg vessels are drained by the body. Pain from the laser treatment is minimal because of the air cooling system.

Would you like more info about Bone Vessel Laser or would you like to make an appointment? Then please contact us.

Superficial vessels can be effectively treated with the Duetto MT EVO, ND Yag laser. Due to its wavelength and specific properties, this laser is able to heat and destroy the leg vessels without damaging the surrounding skin. The Duetto MT EVO laser features cryo cooling, which makes the treatment much more pleasant.

The area where the leg vessels are located is marked off with a white skin pencil. The skin therapist sets the laser device with the appropriate settings. The leg vessels are treated one at a time. The skin is post-treated with an aloe vera gel.

Laser treatment for leg vessels can be sensitive. It feels like we are repeatedly shooting a rubber band against the legs. After treatment, the area feels warm. The Duetto MT EVO laser features cryo cooling, which makes the treatment much more pleasant.

On average, a treatment takes between 15 - 30 minutes. Depending on the amount of leg vessels present, an estimate is made of how much time the skin therapist needs.

Depending on the amount and type of vessels, the skin therapist can estimate how many treatments are needed. On average, three treatments are needed for optimal results.

Immediately after treatment, the vessel is darker colored or already completely gone.

After treatment of the vessels, your body clears the vessels and you can expect these vessels to stay away. After about 6 months, the results will be visible and the treated vessels will stay gone for good. Important to remember is the fact that with our laser treatments, we can effectively treat the vessels, but cannot eliminate the cause of the occurrence of these leg vessels. You are always welcome for any tips to prevent the appearance of new leg vessels in the future. New vessels can, of course, be treated again.

The skin is post-treated with an aloe vera gel. You can resume your daily activities after the laser treatment.

The treatment cannot be performed if you are (sun)tanned. We therefore recommend avoiding the sun, tanning beds and self-tanning products for up to four weeks before, during and after the course.

In order for the treatment to be optimal, it is advisable to pay attention to a few things beforehand. It is important on the day of the treatment until a week after the treatment:

  • Not to drink alcohol
  • Not to exfoliate the skin
  • Not to exercise
  • No strenuous efforts to make
  • No sauna to visit
  • Give the body a rest so that the vessels can be properly cleared
  • Compression stockings to wear


- Superficial leg vessels;

- Rosacea;

- Rosacea;

- Teleangiectasias/jumped vessels face and body

- Blue veins in the face (blue vein under or next to the eye)

- Venous lake (angioma, blood blister on the lip)

- Hair removal darker skin types, see laser hair removal