
Vascular laser treatment

Redness caused by vessels can be experienced as very disturbing. At Parisa Skin Clinic, we often see clients asking if these unsightly vessels can be treated. The answer is yes! Fortunately, with laser therapy, through vascular laser treatment, we can treat this complaint very effectively and safely.

Our skin contains countless blood vessels and capillaries. These have the function of supplying the skin with nutrients and removing waste products, among other things. Sometimes the vascular wall can weaken due to internal or external triggers. These include hormonal fluctuations, stress, temperature changes and certain medications. The vessels then become visible in the skin. When these burst blood vessels occur in greater numbers it is called "rosacea. Persistent redness can also be a symptom of a skin problem such as rosacea.

At Parisa Skin Clinic, we use different vascular lasers. This way the right laser can be used for the right indication. Making the vascular laser treatment optimally effective and efficient.

  • KTP laser (532 nanometers). This laser is ideally suited for treating superficial red blood vessels. For example, the visible vessels on the face.
  • Nd: Yag laser (1064 nanometers) has a deeper penetration depth. This makes this laser best suited for treating leg vessels.
  • IPL (intensely pulsed light). Actually, this is not a laser, but the IPL is often used to treat unsightly blood vessels and redness. Especially when the face has diffuse redness and no clearly visible vessels. Then this is the most appropriate method.

The said vascular lasers are a very effective and safe treatment techniques to treat all types of redness and visible blood vessels.

Before treatment, photos are taken and the area to be treated is marked off with a white skin pencil. During treatment, the eyes are protected with goggles. The laser treatment is generally very well tolerated. The pulses of the laser are experienced as small warm pricks on the skin. The sensitivity depends on each person and the area to be treated.

This varies from person to person and depends on the thickness of the vessels, size, quantity and density, 1-6 treatments with a break of 4-6 weeks are sufficient to achieve the desired results.

After treatment, the skin may be somewhat sensitive and slight redness and swelling occur that may last for several hours. The skin may feel red and warm about 1 day post-treatment. We recommend using as little makeup as possible for 1 day immediately after treatment and avoiding intense exercise.

The burst blood vessels usually disappear immediately during treatment. Sometimes the vessels may actually be more visible because of the clotted blood; this will subside after a few days.

To ensure that the skin is optimally restored and prepared for the next treatment, home products are important. This is matched to your daily skin care products.

Vascular laser treatment is suitable for:

- Spider naevus (spider's head)

- Teleangiectasties (fine blood vessels)

- Burst blood vessels on the trunk

- Rosacea (red blood vessels including on the cheeks)

- Diffuse redness (red glow)

- Rosacea

- Cherry warts / red small bumps (cherry angiomas)

- Blood vessel tumors (senile angiomas and venous lake)

- Red acne scars

- Spider naevus (spider's head)

- Teleangiectasties (fine blood vessels)

- Burst blood vessels on the trunk

- Rosacea (red blood vessels including on the cheeks)

- Diffuse redness (red glow)

- Rosacea

- Cherry warts / red small bumps (cherry angiomas)

- Blood vessel tumors (senile angiomas and venous lake)

- Red acne scars

- Wine stain (naevus flammeus)