
Pigment Treatment

Pigment spots come in all shapes and sizes and can be very disturbing to patients. There are several types of pigmentation problems. Pigment spots can be successfully treated through various treatment techniques.

Parisa Skin Clinic specializes in treatment of pigmentation spots on the body and face. We work with the Elvii- KTP laser therapy, Duetto MT Evo and use the Alexandrite laser 755 nm and IPL. The type of pigment and its depth determines which technique is used. To treat concentrated pigmentation spots effectively and purposefully, we use the Alexandrite laser or the KTP laser. If your skin has aged due to UV radiation or wounds, we can treat this well with IPL. This technique has a larger surface area so that multiple spots and damages can be treated. A nice side effect is that it improves your skin condition and appearance.

Would you like more info about the pigment treatment or would you like to make an appointment? Then please contact us.

Pigment laser treatment is a highly effective and safe treatment technique to treat various types of pigmentation spots

Before treatment, photos are taken and the area to be treated is marked off with a white skin pencil. During treatment, the eyes are protected with goggles. The laser treatment is generally very well tolerated. The pulses of the laser are experienced as small warm pricks on the skin. The sensitivity depends on each person and the area to be treated.

This varies from person to person and depending on the type of pigment, size, amount and density, 1-6 treatments with a break of 4-6 weeks are sufficient to achieve the desired results.

After treatment, the skin may be somewhat sensitive and slight redness occurs that may last for several hours. Crusts may also appear on the pigment spot and this will recover usually within about two weeks. We recommend minimizing makeup for 1 day immediately after treatment and avoiding intense exercise.

This heat causes excess pigment to be destroyed and cleared by the body. The discoloration becomes lighter and lighter or disappears altogether.

To ensure that the skin is optimally restored and prepared for the next treatment, home products are important. This is matched to your daily skin care products.

What indications can be treated ?

- Irregular pigmentation

- Age spots (lentigo solaris)

- Melasma (pregnancy mask)

- Sun damage

- Hyperpigmentation (dark spots)

- Dark spots in armpits or groins

- Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (pigment after a wound)

- Poikiloderma of Civatte (pigment in the neck)

- Vascular melasma

- Naevus of Ota

- Freckles (ephelides)

- Cafe au lait stain

- Dark circles under the eyes

- Acanthosis nigricans (folds)

- Solar elastosis (sun damage, actinic damage)

Depending on the type of pigment spot, various treatments are available, such as:

- Laser therapy

- Camouflage therapy

- Chemical Peeling

- Microneedling

- Coagulation therapy